Trevor Kelley
RHP Red Sox
1. Could you tell us your story on dropping down?
I was a freshman at UNC Chapel Hill and was discouraged by my playing timeand really didn’t feel like I was part of the team, I hated being therepretty much but Carolina was my dream school so I had to try something thatwould differentiate myself from ever other righty we had out of thebullpen. There was about two weeks left in conference play which was maybejust outside a month left in the season and I still had not gotten in, sowhile the team was in Miami I went back home to Wilmington NC which isabout a two and a half hour drive and talked over my options with myfriends and family who have supported me and they all told me the samething just grind it out or something of that sort but I ended up going tomy High School and watched their team practice and at the end I asked if Icould face a few batters to get some work in and the last ten throws Itried throwing sidearm for the first time. For some reason my high schoolpitching coach had the radar gun out and I topped out at 88 mph and I knowright then and there that was my only shot at playing. As soon as Carolinafinished the game at Miami called Coach Forbes (UNC pitching coach) andsaid congrats on the win and when you guys get back I have something toshow you and I think you’ll be impressed. I could tell over the phone hewas like yea ok.. So it was finally time for me to show them and I couldhardly get their attention and it seriously took one pitch and the rest washistory. The next week I made my collegiate debut against Coastal Carolinaand I was sitting 93-94 MPH. I finished my freshman year with an inning andtwo thirds. But made up for it the next three years and finished 6th alltime appearance leader at Carolina.
2. What are some of the advantages you have from your arm angle?
Having a unique/funky arm slot and delivery that I can be quick to theplate with gives me an advantage over almost all hitters. I get a lot offeedback from guys saying they just don’t feel comfortable facing me. Iwould say I would throw my fastball 60% of the time followed by my slideraround 35% and changeup and cutter/riser 5% of the time. All of my pitcheswork to my advantage because guys aren’t use to seeing sidearm guys thatwork upper 80s to low 90s. I believe that location is key for sidearm guysbecause if you know what your ball is doing at the play you canautomatically look at what the hitter is doing and make the proper pitchselections. But ultimately I find most success working low in the zone orin at the hands, and finishing the batter with a sweeping slider of afastball/riser up in the zone.
3. If you didn't drop down, do you think you would have had the same success?
If I didn’t drop down I one hundred percent wouldn’t be where I am at now.Dropping down was but wasn’t a last ditch effort for me, I made it toCarolina pitching over the top so it was just the matter of time for it toclick for me and just to gain experience and it could have been elsewherebut I knew Carolina was where I had always wanted to be, so couldn’t behappier and grateful for everything that has happened since I dropped down.Only regret was that I didn’t do it right when I got to Carolina.
4. What would you tell someone debating on changing their arm angle?
For me it came very natural, I played shortstop growing up and all throughhigh school so the arm slot of turning a double play is the best way that Ican explain to someone that is interested in becoming a sidearm pitcher.But also when someone is just starting off I would suggested having aforward lean or hinge at the waist to help your arm get there and then alsothink about making your arm slot much lower than you want to be becausereally it will still be maybe three quarter arm slot.
5. Are there any mechanical tips that you'd give to someone throwing sidearm/submarine?
I really have gone through this whole process by myself but I watchedcountless videos of Darren O’Day of the Oriels and Joe Smith of now theIndians to really gain a better idea of what my body needs to be doing. Butone thing I really focus on and what gets me back on track is driving myback hip towards the plate and I say that because one I throw across mybody as if I’m throwing to the third base on deck circle and two as a sidearm pitcher I feel that I am more of an upper body pitcher, so I use therotation of my torso to generate movement and velocity therefore for me itsimportant to use that as somewhat of a check point in my mechanics. As longI feel that I’m getting my lower half moving towards the plate I know myrelease point is going to be consistent.
6. What pitches do you throw?
I throw fastball, slider, cutter, and changeup. Fastball is anywhere from86-92 slider is anywhere from 78-83, cutter is anywhere from 84-87, andchangeup is anywhere between 80-84. Typically use cutter and changeup asout pitches to lefties and cutters gives me something that rises and breaksin on lefties and changeup gives me change in speed and break more like a12-6 curveball. Fastball and slider I can locate wherever I want it inwhatever count.
7. How do you pitch to lefties/righties?
I pitch both righties and lefties hard in and work from locating down inthe zone and working my way up in the zone to finish them off. But rightiesI typically stick with throwing fastball sliders and working up-down-in-outand lefties mixing in the cutter and changeup. Trusting the movement at theplate is key, trying to do more has always came back to hurt me, have toplay the numbers and know that being sidearm isn’t easy to hit so just staylow in the zone and hit your spots and make the batter feel uncomfortableearly in the count so don’t be afraid to work hard in on batters.
8. What is your favorite part about pitching from down there?
My favorite part about throwing sidearm is that I don’t get as sore, I feelthat I can be available everyday to compete and get outs. My senior year atCarolina I made appearances in 41 of 56 games with over 90 innings notcounting games I warmed up in and was an out away from getting in. sodefinitely by becoming a sidearm pitcher you can easily find yourself beinga workhorse out of the bullpen.